Saturday 17 March 2007


Jeremy had never been a tidy child, never the sort to clean up after himself unasked, never the sort to do so without complaint.

This time he had excelled himself.

She followed the trail of floury footprints -ground into the plush carpet and scattered over the hearthstones- to the kitchen. He sat amidst a scene of dripping gloopy carnage.

“I made it for you mama”


Carefully removing the contents of the oven, he turned it out onto a cooling rack.

It was beautiful. She drank in the moist chocolate aroma.

Underneath the domed surface, smooth but beautifully cracked, something moved.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That last sentence is wonderfully underplayed.

(O, how pretentious! Anyway, it's a neat effect. Plus, Things In Food is a classic.)